Kids Ministries

Sunday Morning Opportunities:

Sunday School:

Sunday mornings at 10:00, our children meet and learn about Jesus through exciting age appropriate lessons and activities in our Sunday school hour.  

Children's Church:

During each of our worship hours, children 8 years old and below are invited to attend our Children's Church ministry.  Mrs. Leigh Ann and her staff engage the children in singing and teaching through many different activities.

Midweek Gatherings: 

JAM- (Jesus and Me) - Ages 0-Preschool

CIA - Christians in Action - (Grades 1-5)

Our kids meet each Wednesday night for food, fellowship, and fun. 

We begin with a meal for the kids and their parents at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center.  At 7:00 p.m. the kids sing with Mrs. Lisa and Miss Lindsey.  Afterwards, the kids assemble in their rooms for Bible time.

Student Ministries

Sunday Morning:

During our 10:00 Sunday school hour, the Middle and High School students engage in opportunities to build a relationship with God and with other students through the teaching and discussion of Scripture. 

Midweek Gatherings:

Mercy 110 - (Grades 6-9)

The Journey - (Grades 10-College)

Student Ministries meet together midweek for games, community, teaching, and bible discussions. We start the evening together with a meal at 6:30 p.m. in our Family Life Center.  Afterwards, we move into our classes for Bible study, specially crafted for middle and high school students and for a time of fellowship.

Men's Ministry

Connecting men of all ages to the community, to the church, and to one another.

Monthly Gathering:

- Second Saturday of every month @ 8:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center

The men of Tee's Chapel FWB Church invite all adult men, young men, and boys to join them as they serve the Lord and do His work in our community and church.  This is a time for devotion, fellowship, and service.

Women's Ministry

Connecting women of all ages to the community, to the church, and to one another!

Monthly Gatherings:

First Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. 

- Our ladies meet to share devotion and plan for service and mission opportunities.

Second Saturday of each month @ 8:30 a.m.

- Come and join our ministry of crocheting and sewing.  We minister to our community by making blankets, baby beanies, dishcloths and children’s clothes for missions, and so much more.

Bible Study Ministry

Opportunities to dive deeper into God's Word are offered each week for teenagers and adults who would like to attend.  This is accomplished through small group discussion and whole group teaching time. We engage in topical studies as well as deeper studies into books of the Bible.  Come and join us!

Monday mornings - 9:30 a.m.

Monday evenings - 6:30 p.m.

Music Ministry

If you love to sing and would like to use your voice in our choir to glorify God, we would love to have you.  We practice each Wednesday night at 7:45 p.m. and sing each Sunday in our 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Come and help us sing praises to our Lord!

Care Ministry

Come and fellowship with us as we minister to others with blankets, baby beanies, dishcloths, and so much more.  No experience is necessary.  We have great teachers!

Date:  Second Saturday of each month

Time:  8:30 a.m.